Diabetes has become a common but worrying disease in present time. According to medical literature those who have Diabetes have higher chances of cardiovascular issues. Astrology has its own knowledge system, literature and research on Diabetes. Since, Astrology helps more as a tool for analytics where we can diagnose, predict and prescribe about a phenomenon. The possibility of Diabetes as a disease to an individual can also be predicted and remedies can be prescribed for curing, minimizing and controlling it. By virtue of knowledge of planetary combinations, Diabetes can be managed well and we can keep our self-distanced from Diabetes associated disease. There are four major factors that requires our attention while identifying probability of Diabetes and Cure of Diabetes if someone already has got it.
Venus plays an important role in diagnosis of type 1 Diabetes, in fact a Venus energy is able to predict the inheritance of diabetes. An afflicted Venus may cause diabetes. therefore, role of Venus is paramount in one horoscope. Astrology may help in identifying beforehand, or controlling even after it intensifies. Venus and Jupiter are fundamental planets that precipitates the diabetes as Type 1 and Type II. However, a holistic approach towards few more planet position and combination may give articulation.Jupiter planet symbolizes pancreas hence the placement and nature of Jupiter must be analyzed to understand the possibility of diabetes or condition of diabetes if already an individual has. Jupiter is the lord of Pisces and if it has any affliction with planets like Saturn and Rahu, then the probability of Diabetes to individual becomes very high.
Further to argument that a malefic Venus may indicate Diabetes Type 1 as inheritance here I would like to give an example where while studying chart of one of the individuals having malefic Venus and Leo Ascendant, It was understood that there must be a history of Diabetes in parents. While confirming the same with him, he clearly mentioned that his mother had diabetes. Jupiter planet is sweet in nature whereas Venus is acidic, hence, a bad Venus may produce acid imbalance and also diabetes.
Fifth House in Birth chart indicates Liver and Liver is above pancreas, hence its role becomes important in pancreas. Fifth house also causes communication and there is communication between Liver and Pancreas. Thus, the nature and strength of fifth house may help in understanding possibility of Diabetes to individual.
Sixth House symbolizes Pancreas, sixth house is also called house of disease, hence the disease can be seen from this house, the afflicted sixth house or if sixth house is occupied with a watery planet may cause diabetes however,
if more than one out of above four factors are negative then the person may suffer or may already has diabetes. In one of studies of 100 horoscopes with Diabetes, it was found that almost in 80 percent cases had affliction of Venus or Jupiter, though there are exceptions also, but placement of these two planets can not be brushed aside while mapping Diabetes in Astrology. The possible associated disease of Diabetes can also be predicted through horoscope.
In Numerology, number 6 and number 3 symbolizes planet Venus and Planet 3 respectively, if Venus or Jupiter is not well placed or afflicted in the birth chart then one should least use the respective number assigned for that planet, because by using that number, we attract energy of the planet hence the ill effect of that planet may increase. While using Kabbalah Numerology with Astrology, I have found that numbers which indicate watery planet or such connotation has higher chances of Diabetes if Venus or Jupiter is not supportive. A proper analysis can help in prevention and in case of existing disease, it may offer Astrological insights to eliminate, cure and minimize ill effects of planets.
Remedies: Offering meethi roti to cow, yellow pulses (daal) to poor and also balancing three chakra that is root, naval and solar plexus helps in management of diabetes effectively. As per one of the studies of 200 diabetes patients, it was advised that chanting or listening mahamrityunjay mantra and ayush homam is helpful in controlling diabetes. Additionally, a yogic regime is also prescribed so that the toxins of body can gradually go away. Meditation is one which helps a lot in maintaining metabolic order of the body, hence everyday meditation may also be recommended. In Numerology, each planet has been assigned a particular number, hence in case of Venus and Jupiter, number 6 and number 3 have been assigned respectively, we can work on minimizing the ill effect of these planets if afflicted.
Your astro speak offers predictive and remedial insights for various diseases based on individual horoscope, it depends on how analytical Astrologer is while studying a birth chart, but Astrology is a complete knowledge which has capacity to predict incidents of life with articulation. In cases of disease, it is indicated in person birth chart and a thorough study of the same can bring about the possible disease , course of existing disease, gravity and possibility of cure and prevention for a healthy body and healthy mind.
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